Terms of trade

The parties


Arctic Raja Oy
Sevettijärventie 12245,99940 Näätämö
+358 40 750 1910
Y 3458032-2


The customer undertakes to comply with these and merchant-specific conditions when purchasing products and services in the Arctic Raja Inn Internet services.


General conditions

  • The prices shown in the online service include VAT.

  • We apply dynamic pricing in accommodation. Prices depend on the time and vary monthly, weekly and daily.

  • We sell products to adults and corporate customers.

  • We reserve the right to change prices.

  • The customer is responsible for the correctness of the information they provide.

  • We reserve the right to change our terms of delivery. Before placing an order, the customer must familiarize himself with the delivery conditions valid at any given time.

Booking conditions

These terms and conditions apply to products and services that can be rented and reserved. Collectively, these are referred to as "items".


  • The customer is responsible for familiarizing him/herself with the description and instructions of the reservation object/objects and the conditions related to the reservation.

  • The reservation made by the customer is binding when the order/payment confirmation has been sent to the e-mail address provided by the customer.Asiakas maksaa varauksen valitsemansa maksutavan mukaisesti noudattaen maksutavan mukaisia ehtoja.

  • The reservation system sends the order/payment confirmation to the e-mail address provided by the customer.

  • The Merchant is not responsible for a failed reservation, but the customer must contact the Merchant immediately to rectify the situation.The merchant does not guarantee that the object is still free in this situation.

  • If the property is not available, the money will be returned or, if possible, another property will be offered instead.

Cancellations and changes

The date of cancellation is the day on which the Merchant has received information about the cancellation.

  • The customer is responsible for sending the cancellation in sufficient time.

  • If the customer cancels his reservation,

    • when there is more than 24 hours before the start of the reservation, cancellation is free

    • when there is less than 24 hours before the start of the reservation, the full rental price will be charged.

    • For properties booked with a discount code, the full rental price is always charged, regardless of the cancellation time.

  • The reservation can be transferred at the customer's request under the following conditions:

    • The transfer can only be made once.

    • It is not possible to change the object during transfer.

    • The transfer must take place no later than 2 days before the start of the original reservation.

    • If the transferred reservation is cancelled, the full rental price will always be charged, regardless of the time of cancellation.

The merchant's right to cancel the reservation

In the event of force majeure, the Merchant may terminate the rental agreement. The customer who rented the object will be notified of the termination without delay.

  • In that case, the customer has the right to get the rent he/she paid back in full.

  • Costs incurred by the customer from a lease terminated due to force majeure will not be reimbursed.


  • In the payment confirmation, the customer is provided with instructions about the key and how to pick it up.

  • For a lost or unreturned key, the owner has the right to charge all the costs of re-serializing or changing the locks in full, however at least 200 euros.

  • The merchant has the right to charge at least EUR 25 compensation if he/she has to open the item due to a lost or missing key.

Use of the item

  • The object is defined in the object description

  • During the rental period, the customer has the right to use the object and its equipment as well as separately defined services.

  • If the booker notices any deficiencies or other things to point out in the destination, he/she must immediately inform the person in charge of booking management.

  • The object is used by the customer during the time specified in the object description.

  • Pets are not allowed

  • Special conditions for rental equipment

  • The customer must familiarize himself with the equipment's safety and operating instructions. The equipment must be used carefully only for the normal use intended for it. The lessee undertakes to carry out a safety inspection during the rental period. The rental equipment may not be taken out of the country, and may not be re-rented. The rental equipment may only be used to the extent permitted by the terms and conditions and only in performance locations suitable for the user's skill level and competence. The customer uses all equipment and equipment at his own risk.

    • Regarding the water excursion equipment (e.g. canoes, kayaks, SUP boards and rowing boats), the customer assures that they can swim and has previous experience in using the equipment in question.

    • The customer must return the equipment immediately at the end of the rental period to the agreed place, cleaned and otherwise in the same condition as it was when it was rented. The lessee must notify the lessor immediately if the return is delayed. The lessor has the right to charge a 50% increased rent for the exceeding period, unless otherwise agreed separately.

    • The customer is obliged to compensate the rental equipment for damages and costs caused by careless or incorrect handling and insufficient maintenance during the rental period. The customer is obliged to replace the equipment destroyed or lost during the rental period at its new acquisition value. The customer is responsible for compliance with transport, safety and other regulations. The customer is obliged to notify the lessor immediately of any defects in the equipment.

    • The lessor is responsible for repairs caused by normal wear and tear of the equipment. The lessor is not responsible for any indirect or direct costs or damages that the lessee may incur due to the use or breakdown of the equipment. The lessor does not undertake to deliver a new device in place of the broken rental object, nor to compensate for indirect or direct costs caused by the interruption of work.

Compensation for damages

The customer is obliged to compensate the merchant for the damage he has caused to the object. The booker is also responsible for other persons visiting the destination and for the damage they cause during the booking.

The merchant does not compensate the customer for possible inconvenience or expenses caused by natural conditions, such as insects, animals, weather, or unexpected weather changes.


  • Any complaints must always be made as quickly as possible after the topic arises.

  • If there is no satisfactory solution to the matter or there is a claim for compensation, the complaint must be sent in writing within one month of the end of the rental period.

  • The merchant tries to process the complaint as quickly as possible, but within a maximum of one month.

  • If the customer and the merchant cannot reach an agreement, the customer can refer the dispute to the Consumer Complaints Board.

Terms of delivery

Formation of the contract

A binding contract for the transaction comes into force when the order is confirmed (order confirmation/payment confirmation).

  • The order confirmation/payment confirmation is delivered to the customer by email.

Terms of payment

  • The merchant uses reliable and safe payment intermediaries in its services.

  • The merchant does not store bank connection or credit card information at any time.

  • The customer undertakes to comply with the terms and conditions of the chosen payment method.

  • Payment by invoice

    • The invoice must be paid by the due date indicated on the invoice.

    • Late fees are always added to invoices paid after the due date. If the invoice has been paid after the due date with the original invoice and delay costs have already occurred, the costs will be invoiced separately.

  • If the payment transaction has not been successfully completed at the time of the order, the Merchant will not process the order.